.NET developers should follow a certain criteria or guidelines during software development. Coding standards are set of rules, guidelines and regulations on the manner of writing a code that helps programmers and developers read and understand quickly the source code that conforms to style and help avoid introducing misunderstanding and faults.

Particularly in .NET development, coding standards are extremely important; therefore .NET developers should put an importance to them. This is because these standards offer higher uniformity and consistency when writing code by different programmers. This could result in a code that's simple to know and preserve, thus reducing the project’s overall expenses.

.NET development and the .NET framework supports a wide range of functionality, and so allowing these coding standards boost consistency and predictability in public APIs while allowing cross-language and internet integration. It is highly recommended that .NET developers follow these guidelines when coding. Writing a good code is an art and therefore one must learn and practice it. Moreover, one should also use coding standards to succeed. The main goal that a developer must achieve while writing a code is that the code should be easy to understand and to maintain by others. Coding standards boost the code’s readability and allows others to understand it thoroughly and more rapidly.

Some of the benefits of using coding standards are:

1. Easy to understand and maintained

2. Boost the code’s readability

3. Maintainable applications

4. Eradicates complexity

5. Separate documents look more appropriate

Because teams are going to work on various .NET technologies and different .NET languages to do various tasks, a coding standard across the team introduces them to its significance and encouraging everyone to adhere to the same regular. Developers ought to take time for you to comprehend why each standard guideline could result in higher productivity.

Understanding the coding standards also means that a developer should believe in them. Developers should also follow coding standards all the time since it is the best way when it comes to writing a code.

A good developer in the .NET Development platform believes in standards since in their experience, intelligent standards that are applied correctly could lead to considerably increase in the productivity as a .NET developer. Developers should make the standards part of their quality assurance process. The standards should be used as basis from which one trains and mentors fellow developers to be more effective.

.NET coding standards should be adopted appropriately and wisely. By using the standards it could improve the code's readability, has maintainable apps, removes complexity, follow standards across the team and the code is easy to comprehend and maintained by others. Choose standards within the context of the code you are writing. Moreover, adopt the standards that are more relevant to the application requirements being developed. It is to be noted that implementing coding standards is a team work. If anyone has a new idea, then he or she must discuss it with the team and try to reinforce the current standards used. As the knowledge of .NET grows, the standards would require changes to stay current. Whenever a new method is discovered, it should be brought to the group and should be discussed and considered before integrating it into a production application.

It is certainly prove that by using proper coding standards any good programmer can develop most efficient and useful application on the .NET platform, That application not only looks attractive but also equally useful for users so they able to take all the benefit of your developed  web application.


    ASP.NET development has been my job for  over three years. To be an effective developer in .NET development, I make sure to stay current with the latest tools and methods.


    March 2013

